Monday, April 23, 2007

Treason in the White House?

Treason being the key word that uses to reference's article about 'Systematic' Security Breaches in the Bush White House

It doesn't come off to me a a surprise that something like this would happen while good ol' George W. was in office.

With everything that's been happening lately it's actually almost expected. But really, does his administration really believe that because they're sitting in the White House, that its OK for them to rewrite all of the rules? Rules are there for a reason aren't they?

To sum up my sentiments on this:

Its one thing to be graced with the privilege of being Commander in Chief of the United States and the leader of The Free World, but its another thing to take the power that some with those positions and to abuse them.

What else are you trying to hide Mr. President?

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