Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Couldn't Agree More

Here's one for the home team - as reported by on CNN:

Democrats say they're set for Iraq funding showdown

Finally --
not only have they rallied up the nerve to voice against President Bush
but now, Democrats are ready to to push the envelope and take action against his will.

With their bill seconds away from being voted on in the house, there is a very real possibility that Troops in Iraq will be coming home very, very soon, even despite threats from the President to put his foot down against it with a veto. I couldn't be happier.

"For the first time, the president will have to be accountable for this war in Iraq," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Tuesday. "And he does not want to face that reality."

Score one for the Democratic process! Americans, prepare yourselves, because there is a real chance that your voice is actually being heard. You may not have to worry about mediocre leaders, making mediocre decisions for much longer.


Unknown said...

im shocked, the democrates finally got their act together and are agreeing on one thing. its amazing the influence the democrates have when they are not busy fighting each other over every little thing

Anonymous said...

It's all well and good, but Bush is gonna veto it, and they wont get the numbers to override the veto. For the next year and a half we're gonna be in Iraq unless we get the job done (which I think would take another 3 years). Either way we fight North Korea next, and then China. Mark my words!

Reek Pille said...

Bush rox my sox!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, are you in high school or middle school?

Without a doubt, Bush will veto the bill. I disagree with the bill because withdrawing the troops without an exit strategy has HUGE ramifications. The Vietnam War is an example. Until the Democrats can supply a an exit strategy, I believe the bill will cause more problems.