Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bush proves once again, that he's ignorant

Here's the article, once again provided by CNN: Senate Passes Stem-Cell Funding Bill

If you're too lazy to read the whole thing (like most of my friends) CNN has been gracious enough recently to bullet point the main points of the article (usually 4-5) to summarize everything for you. Now, if you're too lazy to click on the link to begin with, well then, you just suck.

Now, if you ask me, everybody is entitled to the right to life - a healthy, lengthy life, and if science provides a way to achieve that, then whats the problem? Afterall, taxpayers are paying for the research anyways... and if not them, somebody is, and eventually the masses will pay for the technological advances anyway.

I just dont understand how, when there is so much support from the people, in support of stem-cell research Bush, who is supposed to be the leader of a "Democracy" can step up to say "NO!" Doesn't the opinion of the masses matter? Who's to say that Bush has the right to shut something down that has to much potential to change and save so many lives. Seems like Bush, again, just like in Iraq, wants people to just DIE.

From a scientists point of view... if we've got the technology, and are willing to do the research, why not? You're not killing anybody (dont even go there you extremests out there), and by saying no, you're doign nothing more than denying humanity the right to life.

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