Friday, May 11, 2007

Immunity Granted to Testify

Justice official who plead the Fifth gets immunity

In an attempt to reveal details in regards to the firing of Federal Prosecutors, a federal judge granted immunity to a former Justice Department Aide in exchange for her testimony.

It seems these days we can't go too long without details involving some sort of political scandal surfacing in the news. In this case, it seems the information that Monica Gooding, the Justice Department Aide in question might actually reveal whether or not the firings of Federal Prosecutors was politically motivated.

If this did indeed turn out to be some sort of scandal, i wonder what there was to gain out of it. Not only that, but i also wonder if it was worth it in the end. Something tells me that, after all of this, it wasn't worth it, and that we are going to find out why very, very soon.

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