Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bring them home already

CNN Report

Failed. All because they included a clause that would allow troops to come home. I'd love to see Bush spend some time out there himself in the troops shoes.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Oh My GOD..

Its old, but i could not believe it when i saw it...

Bush attempts to pardon... HIMSELF!!!



How insane is that? To compare this case to Clinton? and the hypocrisy?!?!

my 1 and only point -- Clinton: Case stemmed from the former President cheating on his wife (more of a personal matter).

Libby: Leaked CIA information.

Corrupt Politicians: More than anyone could account for
People of the United States: 0

Libby sentenced to 30 months in prison

CNN Report

Yet another example of scandal and corruption in the United States Government. While you might say that I was not completely surprised to see this emerging out of the news, I am still in awe. What are things coming to?

I know my views are skewed for the most part, but this particular article sends chills down my spine. I feel that it is the quintessential portrayal of what i believe to be the theme of my blog, and it is in fact - very disappointing.

Where are we headed as Americans? Are we soon to be subject to the same corruption of our neighbors to the South of the border and other countries? Will bribery, purjury and scandal become common place in the great U.S.A?

Its a long shot - but whats next? Could it be that in the years to come, our government and culture will experience such a shift that my children will be able to buy their way out of speeding tickets, or any sort of violation for that matter, by ismply offering monetary compensation? Is it really heading in that direction? I hope not, but I dont feel that it is such a farfetched idea.

The worst part? We're falling apart from the Top - Down, i feel i could almost accept it if it was a Bottom - Up sort of thing, but this is ridiculous.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Policing the Blogosphere

CNN Report

Is it time to crack down on the blogosphere?

While there may be a need to keep tabs on the information that flows into the infinite abyss we call the internet, I do not feel there needs to be any "policing" of blogs. Despite those who might feel I'm giving the general population too much credit, I do believe that people are perfectly capable of being responsible enough to self-moderate within their internet "sphere."

Like Tim O'Connell i feel strongly that, "It's the broken windows problem," he says. "If you don't look after your neighborhood, it gets worse, and eventually you have to move out."

Friday, June 1, 2007

Stem Cell Research, The Debate Continues...

Lifenews Report

To support stem cell research or not? That seems to be the age old question. Preserving life, or destroying life. Or is it really a life that we are destroying, so much as a cluster of cells?

In either case, this ongoing debate seems to be the best example of U.S. Politics and how things work.

Both the Senate and the House have passed measures to secure funding for stem-cell research, however, not obtaining enough votes to override a promised Veto. Sure enough however, the bill will still be sent to the President in hopes of its passing.

For those of you who are on the fence about stem-cell research, here's an older video clip featuring Michael J. Fox on the issue:

Let it ride.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Vote Republican in 08' ?

Thats probably the last thing you readers would expect to hear come out of my mouth, and right now, I'm actually thinking about entertaining the idea.

CNN Reports that former Senator, Fred Thompson is considering entering himself for the running of the 2008 Presidency.

On the one side, Thompson is portrayed as an Anti-Washington candidate, which im sure the majority of people would side with. He's got a lot of good ideas under his sleeves, in regards to immigration and re-uniting the American front.

What i am worried about however, is how thing look on the flip side of the coin. Take a look at Thompson's reply to Michael Moore after back and forth criticism in regards to Moore's Sicko documentary.

Now, aside from some good points that Thompson has made in the past, and more importantly, what has been emerging more recently, i worry. Why? Well, Thompson's video reply to Michael Moore's criticism comes off as a little too childish for my tastes. It seems he's more worried about, "rubbing it in" Moore's face rather than dissolving any issues the two have between each other.

What do you all think?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bush to go Green

No, not Green party. Thank God.

CNN Reports

President Bush is engaging talks to bring the Unites States back into the fold of Environmental Politics. Hoping to be a forerunner on the issue, Bush is planning on bringing "15 nations" together on technological advancements that will hopefully help put an end to Global Warming sometime in the near future.

Some skeptics however, believe it is a ploy to, "divert attention from the president's refusal to accept any emissions reductions proposals at next week's G-8 summit," -Phillipp Clapp

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

All for One and One for All featured an article today touting the Clinton's advocacy for a "We're all in it together" approach to economic growth rather than the current "You're on your own" practice.

The world would be a much better place if we all worked together towards a common goal.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Establishing personhood before abortion reported today that a bill would be presented that would require abortionists to offer a viewsing of the fetus before termination via sonogram.

Whether or not this is a good idea is a tough call. On the one side, seeing your unborn child may talk you out of terminating pregnancy. Alternatively however, being talked out of abortion may not necessarily be a good thing, especially if one is not yet fit or prepared financially, mentally, or emotionally to raise a child.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Troops in need of gear

CNN reported today that troops in Iraq were in desperate need of various gear. Apparently, policies have made it most difficult for requests to be fulfilled.

Enjoy this video outlining what troops are lacking in Iraq.

With the urgency of the materials needed in Iraq, one would think that being back by the government would be enough to expedite the order/delivery process. As it is explained, money is not the issue, what could be?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Compromise Reaches the White House Once Again

In attempts to resolve current conflicts towards execution of the final phases of the war in Iraq, politicians were able to continue what seemst to be a growing trend of compomise in policy making. Read about it on CNN.

What pleases me the most about this particular report is the fact that it outlines how politicians are seemingly realizing that more time needs to be spent focusing on domestic matters, rather than foreign affairs. Not that I'm trying to say foreign affairs arent important. It just seems that for so long now, we as a nation, have been focusing so much on helping everyone else, that we are starting to fail at taking care of, and protecting ourselves.

Somebody once told me, "Despite our efforts to help others, we cannot help them if we do not first help ourselves."

It is admirable and just for the United States to want to help in matters of the world, but more than once in a while, we need to step back, and check up on ourselves so that we may continue to help others, becuase we cant continue to help them if we fall apart.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More Recent News on U.S. White House Attorneys

Aparently, Monica Gooding, one of the current key players in the U.S. attorney firing "scandal" has testified that she had no contact with White House officials amidts allegations that the firings were politically motivated.

After reading the report however, i still find that there are a lot of ambiguitites that have yet to be investigated, or at least i must assume that they are in fact being investigated at the moment.

As i stated last time in my revious post on the firing of the U.S. attorneys, it looks like more hard evidence, perticularly e-mail correspondence between the parties involved will prove that there indeed was some sort of scandal taking place. If you've been a frewuent reader of this blog, you might also remember in a previous post how an insurmountable number of White House emails were, "accidentally" erased. I feel that if the evidence isnt found to solidly prove guilt on some parties, some sort of similar situation will be discovered. In that case, whose to blame? As in tha majority of politics, its unfortunate taht nobody will take the blame.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fixing Immigration Policy

Temporary worker program under threat. Thats the headline for news outlining recent developments that are currently written to allow up to 600,000 immigrants to gain working visas.

The United States of America is known and the, "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave," as well as, "The land of opportuity." That is why so many people, particularly our neighbors south of the border want to come here, and rightfully so. Down south, they live in poverty, in shacks made up of scrap metal and scrap linnens, so, why not allow as many as we can accomidate come here to work for a chance at a better life?

The key element in that last statement was "allowing as many as we can accomidate." In a perfect world, the United States could take in anybody and everybody, unfortulately that is not the case. While, revisions are underway, i support the current plans for the documented immigrant worker program, and i hope that more revisons can be made to improve it. I just hope that the changes/revisions are balanced.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Prediction: Gonzalez will resign

Yet another post on the firings of federal prosecutors:

There's jsut so much talk about it these days that i cannot stay away. This time around, Senator Arlen Spector summed it up nicely, "I have a sense when we finish our investigation, we may have a conclusion to the tenure of the attorney general."

Here's an entertaining video that summarizes the events revolving around this issue, and how the current Administration supports its Attorney General.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wolfowitz to resign

CNN Report

Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank is being called to resign from his post. Facing ethical criticism, Wolfowitz's support on the World Bank board has declined dramatically. Furthermore, due to the U.S's relationship with Wolfowitz and the support that the current Administration provides, the U.S. is finding itself in a tough position, being isolated as a soul supporter of Wolfowitz amidst a potential firing by vote.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Boring 08' election candidate

Sam Donaldson critiques Presidential Candidate, Obama here in this video i dug up on YouTube. Donaldson proceeds in this "roundtable" discussion to characterize Obama as someone who lacks energy, even boring enough to cause spectators to fall asleep. While Obama may have hit the nail on the head a few times with his political views, apparently he's far from it in terms of the actual act of relaying that information. Donaldson has a point though, while he may be able to do the job, he may not be able to convince people he can. After all, wht good is a prime candidate if he can't get himself elected. Lets hope that's not the case and Obama will get his act together. I'm not necessarily on the Obama bandwagon, but it would be a shame for him to lose in any part of the running on mere aesthetic character issues.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Whats going on?

Thats what I said when i read CNN's report on recent events in politics. Bush has had a lot of his plate recently, dealing with Prime Minister Tony Blair's step down from office, talks about the restructuring of Iraq and the plans for U.S. troops, among other things.

What startled me the most was learning how much Bush is giving to make compromises or at least entertain the ideas of the Democrats in the recent news. How, despite his firm position on particular things, he is now making attempts to, "Draw conversation out into the open" in order to come to "...significant concessions to the new political reality on Capitol Hill."

Maybe he's learned from his mistakes, maybe he's realized that his time is up and wants to be remembered in a positive light, maybe he just wants to do the right thing...What do you think?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Immunity Granted to Testify

Justice official who plead the Fifth gets immunity

In an attempt to reveal details in regards to the firing of Federal Prosecutors, a federal judge granted immunity to a former Justice Department Aide in exchange for her testimony.

It seems these days we can't go too long without details involving some sort of political scandal surfacing in the news. In this case, it seems the information that Monica Gooding, the Justice Department Aide in question might actually reveal whether or not the firings of Federal Prosecutors was politically motivated.

If this did indeed turn out to be some sort of scandal, i wonder what there was to gain out of it. Not only that, but i also wonder if it was worth it in the end. Something tells me that, after all of this, it wasn't worth it, and that we are going to find out why very, very soon.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bush Pushing to Allow Immigrants a Chance

President Bush Prods Bipartisan Immigration Deal

Despite Bush's poor decision making skills in regards to the majority of politics, it still seems safe to say that in the least, he has a good heart.

George W. Bush has been in talks and is pushing for stronger border security, however, he is also entertaining the idea of starting his guest worker program, leaving the possibility of obtaining citizenship a real possibility. Good for him in believing and doing what he can to preserve the American Dream, to provide people all around the world the hope of freedom, and a good life to live in America.

I definitely feel that this is a great step in teh right direction, maintaining the security of our borders, all while avoiding taking away the hoipe of a better life in the United States.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Clinton has A.I.D.S. in the bag

Leave it to good ol' Bill Clinton to stay on top of things, seven years later. BBC's coverage of Bill Clinton's plan to work with drug companies to develop plans to make affordable A.I.D.S medication shows that finally someone sees a problem with the fact that we have the technology to preserve life and refuse to give it to anyone without a significant price that some people, and everyone should be able to afford. Bill said it best:

"Whether or not you can afford to buy the medicines, if you need those medicines, is often the difference between life and death."

If it were up to me, you wouldn't be able to make a buck off of health care. People are so selfish.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Threat Level - Wired Blogs

The government definitely has the right idea with wanting to strengthen security and their ability to set up surveillance to monitor our phone calls, but when i read that they would be tapping into our internet, yes i said OUR internet, that got me to thinking.

On one hand, so much information, personal information is transferred via the internet everyday, and the idea of giving Big Brother the ability to watch my every move makes me uneasy. Now, on the other hand, so much information passes through everybody's hands everyday, and that includes the hands of terrorists. What a conundrum. (i hope that's the right word!)

Monday, May 7, 2007

One More Step In The Right Direction

Wynn Supports Effort to Impeach Cheney

Everyone who knows me knows that i am a strong believer in holding people accountable for their actions and that includes politicians. Everybody now knows that Cheney was found to be linked to false information which contributed to the momentum that took us to war in Iraq. The only outstanding question is what will come of the situation now that it has gone public. In the past, it would seem that someone in this situation would go unpunished, however with recent events in the news, we might actually see Cheney face the jury.

If Clinton went through it for happenings in his personal life, we'd better hope Cheney, who potentially sent troops to their deaths (r.i.p.) should have to endure the same.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Exactly how i feel

Today, BBC ran an article outlining the basic history of America and the sentiments of various people. Titled, "Washington Diary: Land of Ideas," the story makes note of various happenings in America that make people "regret the founding of America." Among these things are various disappointments in the direction America is taking in regards to public policy and the culture it's people have adopted. Do these feelings sound familiar to you? You bet they do.

Now, reason I like this article so much is because, although i can express my disappointment clearly enough in my own words, it is often times difficult to me to express that despite my pessimistic view of many things, I still love being an American.

Read the article and you'll see why.

I'll close with a quote from Bill Clinton, "There is nothing wrong with American that cannot be fixed with what is right in America." Translation: vote the Republicans out of the executive office and bring back the Democrats!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Gore in 08'?

Just like many other people, I wish Al Gore would run for President in 2008. That doesnt mean that i don;t like any of the current canidates, however, i do think taht Al Gore is best suited. Why? Because he cares. He cares about the American people. He cares about the environment. He cared about the free world. Al Gore is a realist, he sees whats in front of him, he assesses the situation, and he acts - not on impulse, but rationally.

Read all about it here: "Fans hope Gore will change his mind and go for it in 08'"

Monday, April 30, 2007

And yet... MORE corruption

Once again, the current White House Administration representatives have proven that they will go to any lengths to pursue their own political interests. In this case, Vice President Dick Cheney has been linked to making false claims that Saddam Hussein had been attempting to obtain Uranium from Niger while we (The United States) went on a hunt for weapons of mass destruction, which, if you remember was our reasoning for going to war with Iraq.

Now, i don't doubt that Saddam Hussein either himself, or through ties with other terrorists groups, etc had possession of WMD, but it definitely doesn't strike a good chord to hear that lots of the evidence leading to the actual assault on Iraq is being proven to be false, or now, evidence that really draws no absolute conclusions.

I'm glad that Hussein is no longer in power. I'm glad that Iraqi's now have the opportunity to make a better life for themselves (even if they don't take advantage of it). I'm glad that there's one less known terrorist out there in the world. I'm not glad however, that our own elected government officials feel the need to take advantage of the people's trust in order to carry on with their own political agenda.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Who knew?!?

With 4/20 come and gone, one week ago today, I thought that I would comment on this article made poular from Cannibis Culture's website via Digg

US: Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew In '74

To sum things up:

"Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) and cannabinol ( CBN )" -- two types of cannabinoids

Now.. all I've got to say is, according to U.S. Statistics, courtesy of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), more than 33,000 alcohol related deaths occurred in 2003 alone. Keep in mind that this website is governed by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention.) They keep stats on everything regarding the health of Americans... Keep on searching and what will you find on Marijuana? Well, ill tell you... You'll find lots of information based upon assumption, but no real statistics, or research.

Why am i posting this? Well, I'll tell you why... It boggles my mind that alcohol, a substance that is explicitly responsible for over 33,000 deaths in one year is perfectly legal, yet Marijuana, which apparently doesnt have enough of an impact on the American population to be included on the NCHS' Websiteis classified as a controlled supstance and who's posession is considered a felony. Now, for something that is supposed to be so bad for you (im not saying its good for you), and recieves such negative press and is stuck with such a negative stigma, you'd think there would be more information available rather than "Marijuana is bad."

Theres just something wrong about that if you ask me. Now, not only that, Marijuana has actually been proven to lessen the effects of Cancer, controlling cell growth. Its even used by many of the terminally ill and cancer patients medically, to control pain and induce appetite. Whats alcohol good for? Well, in my experience as a college student, its good for getting drunk and belligerent, especially after midterms, finals, and well... class.

The bottom line: Make Alcohol a controlled substance, or remove the restrictions on Marijuana and tax it just like we tax tobacco .

Here's the beginning of a documentary on medical marijuana (~9mins):

This documentary draws on the best minds of the era to both describe the problem and remedies available. Experts give their opinions. It contains an interview with a fighting district attorney, doctors who give recommendations, and advocates for legalization including organizations like NORML, which has fought hard through the years towards understanding of the healing properties this herb can have.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Go figure.

Looks like President Bush's attitude is rubbing off on his cabinet members. Condoleeza Rice, will apparently refuse to reappear in court after being summoned by subpoena by Congress.

You can read about it here: Rice Says She'll Respond to Subpoena with Letter

Now, granted she's sick of answering the same questions over, and over again, what type of example is she setting by choosing this course of action? Furthermore, who does she think she is believing she can just so easily dismiss an order to appear in court, from Congress nonetheless? I'm pretty sure if I was summoned and responded with a letter, I'd end up in a world of shit.

Its because of incidents like these, especially when they get out into the world media that the egos of these politicians get fed. One person does it and the next thinks its OK. It just so happens that in this case, the influence comes from teh President himself. If its ok for him to play the role of a stubborn fool, it must be ok for everyone else. After all, he is up at the top, so that just leaves the floor open to everyone.

Apparently, Rice even goes fo far as to contradict herself, knowingly no doubt by saying, "So, I think we have to observe and uphold the constitutional principle, but I also observe and uphold the obligation of Congress to conduct its oversight role, I respect that. But I think I have more than answered these questions, and answered them directly to Congressman Waxman."

Looks like we got another politician on the loose, and i dont think it will be the last.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Couldn't Agree More

Here's one for the home team - as reported by on CNN:

Democrats say they're set for Iraq funding showdown

Finally --
not only have they rallied up the nerve to voice against President Bush
but now, Democrats are ready to to push the envelope and take action against his will.

With their bill seconds away from being voted on in the house, there is a very real possibility that Troops in Iraq will be coming home very, very soon, even despite threats from the President to put his foot down against it with a veto. I couldn't be happier.

"For the first time, the president will have to be accountable for this war in Iraq," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Tuesday. "And he does not want to face that reality."

Score one for the Democratic process! Americans, prepare yourselves, because there is a real chance that your voice is actually being heard. You may not have to worry about mediocre leaders, making mediocre decisions for much longer.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Virginia Tech

The Virginia Tech shooting is something that i have deliberately tried to avoid writing about since it happened last week. First, i felt that i didn't want to draw any unneeded attention to the issue because I felt it was indeed a sensitive one. Secondly, I feel that the news and media have , in some ways have gone too far as to what they have been reporting. In fact, at times, it seemed that they would report any and all details, no matter now foolish, about the infamous Seung-Hui Cho [gunman]. Thirdly, i believe that if anything, the attention should be focused on the victims and their families in their time of need - especially in taking the time to celebrate the lives of those lost, and to embrace those survivors who were involved. However, once i saw this headline on CNN's website: "Legal Loophole gives mentally ill access to guns," I felt like I couldn't avoid it.

According to the article, "Under federal law, anyone who has been judged to be a danger to himself or others because of mental illness, as Cho was, should be prohibited from buying a gun."

So what happened?

"A deadly information gap"

"...his mental status never went in the system."

Now, i pose the question again... how did this happen? Well, if you ask me, despite the obvious answer outlined in the article, it comes down to a complete and utterly unacceptable oversight on the part of the legislators who drafted the Virginia law. It's because of situations like these that those laws are put into place to begin with right? Those gun laws are implemented as a safeguard - to protect the innocent against the potentially mentally ill who might decide to go out and purchase a gun. But what are they good for if the state law is not in compliance with federal law?

It looks like the State of Virginia has some housekeeping to do... Now, i don't mean to put the blame on anybody in particular, but its just so sad that something like this has to happen in order for the lawmakers to catch these mistakes and discrepancies between federal and state laws... What can we do? What do the lawmakers want us to do?

Hell, maybe if we paid them more money they would have gotten it right. Right?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Treason in the White House?

Treason being the key word that uses to reference's article about 'Systematic' Security Breaches in the Bush White House

It doesn't come off to me a a surprise that something like this would happen while good ol' George W. was in office.

With everything that's been happening lately it's actually almost expected. But really, does his administration really believe that because they're sitting in the White House, that its OK for them to rewrite all of the rules? Rules are there for a reason aren't they?

To sum up my sentiments on this:

Its one thing to be graced with the privilege of being Commander in Chief of the United States and the leader of The Free World, but its another thing to take the power that some with those positions and to abuse them.

What else are you trying to hide Mr. President?

Friday, April 20, 2007

For all you out there

“I Don’t Care What the Judge Said!” Marijuana user found Not Guilty

Here's the bottom line for this article:

Why should marijuana, of all things be made an illegal substance, when adults, in the United States, can purchase and drink Alcohol at the age of 21 and purchase and smoke cigarettes, infamous for taking millions of lives at the age of 18 (barely out of high school)?

This really doesn't make sense to me. I can personally go to the store, purchase a carton of cancer sticks and a few 40's of Mickey's, Old English, or Schlitz Malt Liquor, get trashed in the privacy of my own home, maybe even get away with driving back to the store for more, but i cant smoke a joint.

I'll tell you what - I'd rather smoke marijuana than a cigarette any day of the week. With that said, ive have prior engagements to attend to.

Enjoy this random video:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

McCain: ‘I Know What’s Best For The Security Of This Nation’

This article, linked by gives commentary on an interview that senator McCain gave with GQ Magazine.

In his interview, McCain, 2008 Presidential Candidate cites that he, "[Knows] what’s best for the security of this nation" and that "...Americans don’t pay close attention" in regards to the war in Iraq, despite admitting that he has full understanding that the people of the United States no longer support the war and want forces to pull out as soon as possible.

Now, to give him some credit, he doesn't necessarily mean to say that the American people are idiots, but merely that they are misinformed, and expressing more frustration than anything else. However, I still believe that he is too bold to say that "he knows whats right for the American people" and that, "[they ]aren't paying attention" In fact, i think with all of the bad publicity that current President, George W. Bush is receiving, it's really silly for Sen. McCain to be taking this stance; especially since its obvious that Bush's rating has declined dramatically.

If you ask me, McCain is acting the part of a stubborn fool, trying to convince the American people that he can make positive changes with an approach similar, if not identical to George W's - which is anything but "tried-and-true"

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And he has a better plan?

Well, i tried to find something on BBC, DIGG, Yahoo news... but looks like im going to stick with good ol' CNN once again.

Bush: Emphatic no to timeline to withdraw troops

Now, if you think my blog is biased.... well you're right. HAH! So, Bush is trying to say that the Democrats are planning to hand a "victory" to our enemies in the War. But really, beyond getting rid of Hussein, has his plan done very much more? Lately seems like we've jsut been running around in circles, and wasting valuable lives. Like i've said before, i support the troops that we have out there right now, but theres no reason in keeping them there longer than they need to be.

GO DEMS!!! (sorry Ivan - haha) I'm so happy that you guys have been stepping it up and shown that you're not affraid to stand up [to the President] in all arenas.

Stick it to the man.

Monday, April 16, 2007

White House: Millions of e-mails may be missing

Does this quote from CNN's article about the ongoing controversy involving the firing of U.S Attorney's do anything but reveal utter and complete guilt on behalf of the white house and their political adgenda? I think not:

"The biggest problem here is really that here is a White House that is deliberately violating an existing statute that requires them to preserve all records,"

The issue at hand is that the firing of the U.S. Attorneys seems to have been politically motivated and this finding just confirms that. How do you "accidentally" lose 5,000,000 emails? Look at how many zeros follow that 5 people. Theres 6, in case you didnt notice.

This is unacceptable, i mean, the U.S government, the people that work in the White House and elsewhere, are supposed to be in charge of everything that the people of the United States stand for. They're supposed to be the best of the best, afterall, who wants some mediocre Jo Schmoe helping to make decisions that affect millions upon millions of people? Not me.

Somebbody obvioulsy has something to hide, and if thats not the case (which i doubt), this is just one too many of ZERO mistakes that should be taking place so high up in the ranks.

I just cant wait to see the next headline. "Sources report that Presidential Military Aide accidentally misplaced Nuclear Football... along with Biscuit..."

Of course, this report would come out AFTER the Pentagon gets nuked, and Al Qaida claims to be the responsible party. Or even better, seing as how there are a bunch of morons in charge anyway, they manage to pass it off as a "mistake" on G

Friday, April 13, 2007

Finally, Something good

So, today, I opened up CNN's Website and found this: Schwarzenegger pumps up green movement

Now, this is a bit of a change for me... im making one of few positive posts on this blog... but rest assured, it will turn into an angry blog just like the rest.

Im glad to see that someone in the celebrity AND political spotlight as is Schwarzenegger is making good use of his stardom for the greater good.


With all of the idiots :::cough::: BUSH :::cough trying to convince the world that global warming is not a pressing matter we can use all of the support and positive influence that we can get. Afterall, if we continue to declare ignorance, despite the obvious evidence of worldwide environmental changes occuring before our own eyes, people like me and you might as well kiss our grandchildren goodbye as soon as they're born and send Bush a thank you letter (yeah, soak in the sarcasm).

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What the ...

Thats what i said when i saw this headline on DIGG's website about the arrest of a 6 year-old girl. Read this: Get The Kiddie-Cuffs, or Police State Pedagogy.

My favorite partof the article was when they began to describe the reasons for the arrest:

“The student became violent,” Mercurio told Herbert. “She was yelling, screaming – just being uncontrollable. Defiant.”

Guess what people.. SHE'S 6!! Thats what 6 year-olds do! They throw the occasional tantrum, yell, scream, and sometimes they even kick (my cousins do, at least).

What has the world come to? Did the arresting officer really need such a boost to his or her own ego that he had to book a child? I mean sure, children need to be taught to behave appropriately, but back in my day, i was 1) Told to chill out 2) Sent to the office 3) My mom/dad was called and then 4) I pissed my pants becuase i knew i was going to get it when i got home.

And look how i turned out... haha.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not only average at best, but lazy too!

Official: White House looking for 'war czar' - CNN

Well folks, it looks like even his staff has begun to realize that Bush can't do his job let alone wipe his own ___. (you fill in the blank this time)

"White House aides, with U.S. President George W. Bush's blessing, are actively trying to hire a new point person to help pilot the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Of course Bush has given them his blessing! As if he would actually do his job to begin with... Working FOR the people... But i suppose im even more upset at the fact that they feel that there is a need to create this position in the first place. We shouldnt even be there any longer to begin with. Lets not get into whether the war was worth it to begin with, im going to support our troops for putting their lives on the line, but i definetly dont feel that they have much more need to be there any longer. Bring them home, give them back to their families, and dont break any more families apart.

Since Bush is probably sick of getting his fair share of C's ill cut him a break and we'll switch it up to a P/NP. This plan clearly gets a NO PASS. HEH!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bush proves once again, that he's ignorant

Here's the article, once again provided by CNN: Senate Passes Stem-Cell Funding Bill

If you're too lazy to read the whole thing (like most of my friends) CNN has been gracious enough recently to bullet point the main points of the article (usually 4-5) to summarize everything for you. Now, if you're too lazy to click on the link to begin with, well then, you just suck.

Now, if you ask me, everybody is entitled to the right to life - a healthy, lengthy life, and if science provides a way to achieve that, then whats the problem? Afterall, taxpayers are paying for the research anyways... and if not them, somebody is, and eventually the masses will pay for the technological advances anyway.

I just dont understand how, when there is so much support from the people, in support of stem-cell research Bush, who is supposed to be the leader of a "Democracy" can step up to say "NO!" Doesn't the opinion of the masses matter? Who's to say that Bush has the right to shut something down that has to much potential to change and save so many lives. Seems like Bush, again, just like in Iraq, wants people to just DIE.

From a scientists point of view... if we've got the technology, and are willing to do the research, why not? You're not killing anybody (dont even go there you extremests out there), and by saying no, you're doign nothing more than denying humanity the right to life.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Only in America

DNA exonerates man who spent 25 years in prison

Thats what the headline reads as Jerry Miller, now 48, is released from prison after serving 25 years for rape, robbery, aggravated kidnapping, and aggravated battery. Whats the kicker? Miller says he was at home watching T.V.

Only in America, where we have some of the most advanced technology would we wait 25 years after the fact to actually do DNA testing to prove someones innocents. Now, i know, "he could have done it, right?" But he didn't. So much for innocent until proven guilty. Seriously, in The United States, it really doesn't seem that way at all.

This man spent the last 25 years of his life in prison for a series of crimes that he did not commit. Not only that, but despite the fact that a simple DNA test had him exonerated, he is still going to have to live it down for teh rest of his life. Now, thats not to mention that he's lost the 'best years of his life.' Being 48, he would have been 23 years-old at the time of his conviction, the beginning of his prime. He will never get those years back, and will have to live that down during his mid-life crisis.

This makes a mockery of the U.S. legal system in my book.


Well, here it is. My blog. Its been a looooong time since Ive had one of these, so i guess we'll see how it turns out. Truth be told, to all those readers out there, this blog has been created as an ongoing assignment for my Poli Sci 129 class, "Blogs, Politics, and the Media."

Now, lets start off with the basics:

Name: (43795537)
Age: 22
Hometown: Riverside, CA
School: University of California; Irvine
Major: Biological Sciences
Year: Graduating Senior (YES, Finally!!!)

As you can tell, just like most open forums, this blog is going to be themed to address things involving the United States that piss me off. This is just fine for me, because im an angry bastard to begin with. Now, dont get me wrong, I love being an American... but... could we have grouped together any more stupid people?

Example... Check out this article from CNN's website about the Walter Reed Medical Center.

This is a prime example of the bullshit that happens in the states that jsut pisses me off. Good people get sucked into the Armed Forces, get sold on benefits like the G.I. bill and whatnot, in exchange for putting their lives on the line and how do these noble men and women get repaid? With absolute shit.

Now, im not going to lie... im probably the most misinformed person that i know, but i hope taht im right some of the time when i go off and rant. From my understanding, as a member of the Armed Forces, you pretty much have all of your health expenses covered by the government, you have the G.I. bill to support yourself, and lots of other "cool perks" like the $1 down payment on your house/car etc. to make your live easier in exchange for serving your country. Pretty sweet deal right? "... ... ... ... NOT" From what ive been hearing form my buddies that serve in teh Marines, thats not the case. And this article confirms at least part of it.

The U.S. spends unfathomable amounts of money on new military technology (weapons) so that they can blow shit up, and hang people (or get their own people to do it) but they cant, and seems like they won't take care of their injured soldiers.

Check out what "Jack," the former Army Secretary said, "The American ethic is that America always takes care of its wounded...We must make certain that America continues that ethic."

...Get with it "Jack," open your eyes, this clearly is not the case... The U.S. government, especially George (Mr. Average ["C" Student] President) wouldn't think twice about spending BILLIONS of dollars on waging war overseas, but has to go to his advisors to determine how much money needs to be cut from the budget as wounded soldiers are just coming home.

Pentagon + George W. Bush = Stupid + Selfish